What to do if Blokada 'stops' working

These might be reasons Blokada stops unexpectedly:

  • Did you activate Google Fi VPN? If so: For Blokada to work it has to be deactivated.
  • It is only possible to acivate one VPN at a time (due to an Android limitation), so check whether another app tries to use the VPN api.
  • enableing ‘block all connections without VPN’ in your system settings makes you unable to access the internet. See this article, why that is the case.
  • If Blokada gets killed check this article and the one on brandspecific information. Test solutions for other brands as well.
  • If Blokada stops working on mobile, disable DataSaver. Instructions therefore can be found in this article.
  • If you can’t connect to the internet with Blokada enabled try to turn off ‘private DNS’ in your systems settings. Check this article.
  • Is the setting DNS Fallback enabled in Blokada? This setting can be found at the bottom of the DNS menu. Disable it if the internet stops working with Blokada enabled.
  • If you enabled Watchdog, please disable it again.

I hope this comment fits into this posts topic, otherwise I’m sorry and you’re free to delete this comment.
I think it fits the topic as the battery optimization is a huge problem when Blokada stops working.

Today I read a German article about the battery optimization feature in several smartphones. You can read the article here: https://www.golem.de/news/android-google-will-ungewollte-app-zwangsabschaltungen-verringern-2007-149578.html

If you don’t understand German there’s a Reddit-discussion (on which the article is based on). You can find the discussion and especially the comment about background kills here: https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/hk3hrq/were_on_the_android_engineering_team_ask_us/fxg9y4f/

In my opinion this would be great for Blokada and could make it easier to support others.


Thanks for the notification and congratulations on reaching member status :smiley:

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Hey cami:)!
congratulations from my side as well:) happy to have you here^^
It fits, dw, but it’d fit even better on this article, so everyone can see it:) as you might have seen already this section is locked and only visible for members.
And the article really sounds promising:)


Thank you for the gratulations.

I’m going to post the article also in the proposed article so everyone will see it. Thanks for the feedback, C!

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I keep using the Samsung Internet-browser.
Blokada works fine, but a certain website (www.heute.at) repeatedly manages to deactivate Blokada.
Then I’ve got to reactivate it manually, and it will work fine for a while.
I always must have an eye on the key-symbol on top of the screen.
How can I keep Blokada active or make it reactivate automatically?

I’m not sure why this is happening. Next time it happens, please share the log privately to me at hello@blokada.org