These might be reasons Blokada stops unexpectedly:
Did you activate Google Fi VPN? If so: For Blokada to work it has to be deactivated.
It is only possible to acivate one VPN at a time (due to an Android limitation), so check whether another app tries to use the VPN api.
enableing ‘block all connections without VPN’ in your system settings makes you unable to access the internet. See this article, why that is the case.
If Blokada gets killed check this article and the one on brandspecific information. Test solutions for other brands as well.
If Blokada stops working on mobile, disable DataSaver. Instructions therefore can be found in this article.
If you can’t connect to the internet with Blokada enabled try to turn off ‘private DNS’ in your systems settings. Check this article.
Is the setting DNS Fallback enabled in Blokada? This setting can be found at the bottom of the DNS menu. Disable it if the internet stops working with Blokada enabled.
I hope this comment fits into this posts topic, otherwise I’m sorry and you’re free to delete this comment.
I think it fits the topic as the battery optimization is a huge problem when Blokada stops working.
Hey cami:)!
congratulations from my side as well:) happy to have you here^^
It fits, dw, but it’d fit even better on this article, so everyone can see it:) as you might have seen already this section is locked and only visible for members.
And the article really sounds promising:)
I keep using the Samsung Internet-browser.
Blokada works fine, but a certain website ( repeatedly manages to deactivate Blokada.
Then I’ve got to reactivate it manually, and it will work fine for a while.
I always must have an eye on the key-symbol on top of the screen.
How can I keep Blokada active or make it reactivate automatically?