Where can I download Blokada?

Blokada 6 for iOS

Blokada 6 for iOS is available on the official App Store.


Blokada 5 for Android

Download at blokada.org (our official website)

F-Droid (slow updates)

Please note, these source may receive updates at different times. To switch from one download source to another, you will have to uninstall first.

Blokada 5 Slim for Android


Blokada Slim is a lightweight version of the app. Read more about the differences.

Blokada Cloud for android

(only for Plus or cloud subscribers)


Blokada 5: beta channel

You may enroll to the beta channel to receive updates and new features earlier. Currently, we only make beta releases for Android. You may need to uninstall your current version first.

Blokada 5 beta channel apk

Blokada 4 (and older)

The lastest Blokada 4 is always available on our homepage. You can find our older releases in our GitHub repository.


Please note, all other sources outside of those mentioned above are unofficial and may be dangerous.

We cannot give you any guarantee about the reliability of those downloads. They may even contain malware. Please download Blokada or Blokada Slim only from the sources mentioned above. We have seen impostors of our website before, so be careful.