Updating Blokada 5

So far I’ve been relatively happy with Blokada 5 on Android, but there’s just a couple of points.

Battery drain seems to be a little higher than with v4, but Kaspersky Battery Life isn’t showing any serious issues.
Secondly: Does Blokada 5 app auto update automatically OTA?

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Great. Try sharing log with us if you notice too much battery drain. It’s a long shot, but maybe it’ll help us. Yes Blokada 5 updates through OTA similar to v4. You’ll get a notification in app and will be able to install it.


I had to restore my device yesterday due to a system update gone bad.:angry::roll_eyes:
It’s a custom Android install by FX(Tec) with some minor enhancements for things like screen rotation and hardware keyboard slider.
Back on track now, so I’ll run v5 again for a few days, see how it goes. :+1:

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And how does it go currently:)?

Doesn’t seem to be much better.
I would upload my log but it’s about 3 miles long. (215 pages). :flushed::laughing:
TBH I think Blokada 5 is doing a lot more work than v4 used to do.

I reckon switching to dark theme helps a little with battery drain issues.

Thanks for the feedback:)
Okay, could you please share your log to hello@blokada.org as explained in this post then:)?

Hey there and welcome to the forum:)
Please share your log with us as described in this post:

Afterwards you can try to disable DoH and check whether you are getting different results:)?

Log sent. :grin:

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Thank you very much. We’ve received the log already. It might take some time until we can get back to you :slight_smile: