Here are the archived release notes of Blokada editions that are not maintained anymore. Since Blokada is open source, you can still download those releases on our Github, but there is no updates expected to be released. Please check the menu on the side to navigate.
- For recent releases, see the current changelog.
Blokada 4 for Android
Blokada for Android v4.15 (August, 2021)
- Fix a problem VPN network marked as “metered”
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada for Android v4.14 (June, 2021)
- Add d3Host blocklist
- Add blocklist: 1Hosts
- Add blocklist: URLHaus
- Updates to CPBL blocklist
- Fix a problem with parsing wildcard lists
- Minor bugfixes
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada for Android v4.12 (April, 2021)
- Add new blocklist: hBlock (learn more)
- Add new blocklist: Combined Privacy Block Lists (learn more)
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada v4.11 (February, 2021)
- Change built-in default blocklist to OISD
- Add new blocklist: The Block List Project (learn more)
- Add new blocklist: Spam404 (learn more)
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada v4.10 (January, 2021)
- Add blocklist: OISD (learn more)
- Add blocklist: Developer Dan’s Hosts (learn more)
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada v4.9 (December, 2020)
- Add new blocklist: “Exodus Privacy”
- Update boringtun to 0.3
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
- This is the migration release from Blokada 4 to Blokada 5 (learn more)
Blokada v4.8 (August, 2020)
- Introduced new cname blocking handling and options (by Faedrak)
- Fixed a bug in parsing list with suffix comments (by Deafm4n)
- Reworked active widget (by Faedrak)
- A workaround for Samsung issue of August 2020 update
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada for Android v4.8.4
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada for Android v4.8.5
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada for Android v4.8.6
- Add new blocklist: “Blacklist”
- Add “Spotify” configuration in “Energized” blocklist
- Updated blocklists
- Updated translations
Blokada v4.7 (July, 2020)
- Introduce DuckDuckGo Tracker Radar blocklist
- Rebrand Blokada Tunnel to Blokada Plus
- Introduce second DNS server fallback
- Introduce Blokada Community forum (this place!)
- Update dependencies (by TacoTheDank)
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada v4.6 (May, 2020)
This is a feature release with better host logs and various improvements to the app.
- New switch widgets for quick control (by Faedrak)
- Added Bypass All Apps function (by Faedrak)
- Display queries blocked by the DNS server (by Faedrak)
- Improvements to Host Log and widgets (by Faedrak)
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada v4.5 (January, 2020)
This is a maintenance release with various improvements to app stability and UX.
- Improvements to Smart Lists (by Faedrak)
- Implement alternative DNS query method for ColorOS devices (by Faedrak)
- Optimisations to memory use when loading lists (by rpeter)
- Streamline descriptions for some options (by rpeter)
- Automatically start update when tapped notification
- Fix master switch placement on small screens
- Add easier access to send logs to support
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada v4.4 (November, 2019)
This is a feature release with wildcard support, smart lists, and improvements to UX.
- Add support for wildcards in filter rules (beta)
- Add Smart List feature (beta)
- Introduce Blokada Tunnel partner gateways (beta)
- Add block counter to standard notification
- Improved updater (shows download progress)
- Rebrand Blokada VPN to Blokada Tunnel for avoiding confusion with VPN api
- Reorganise user account screen
- Redesign home screen with master switch for more intuitive design
- Fix confusing ‘account expired’ message
- Fix various UI bugs and confusing app behaviour
- Add legal info to the app
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada v4.3 (October, 2019)
This is another maintenance release of v4 for the most part. We have continued code refactoring process, higher stability of tunnel management code.
- Add basic support for Tasker intents (switch on / off)
- Add file import for filters (by Faedrak)
- Decrease app size through optimising .png file size (by PeterDaveHello)
- Code refactor stage 2: improve tunnel management for higher stability and speed
- Improve UI feedback on errors and switching app state
- Fix VPN account problems (resetting account)
- Fix over 15 bugs listed here
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Additional changes in 4.3.5:
- Fix “device not supported” for Firestick and some other devices
- Fix watchdog behavior
- Bring back old behaviour of the Keep Alive notification
- Introduce Blokada Slim, a no-adblocking variant of Blokada meant for Google Play
- Improve account handling for new users and non-VPN users
- Improve logging (add wireguard library logs)
- Improve handling of VPN permissions revoked case
- Improve displaying of snackbar messages
Blokada v4.2 (September, 2019)
This is a maintenance release of v4 aiming for stability improvements. We have started code refactoring process, aiming for better quality, less bugs, and more contribution-friendly code. This will be continued in the coming releases.
- Fix local networking when VPN is on (and Chromecast)
- Introduce beta of multi device VPN support
- Support x86 devices
- Code refactor stage 1: remove unused resources and unnecessary dependencies
- Introduce Paypal payments and better account management
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada v4.1 (July 16, 2019)
This is a second release of v4 aiming to improve the UI and intuitiveness of the app.
- Redesign home screen dashboard for a quick and easy overview of Blokada state
- Redesign menu for an intuitive access of all Blokada features and configuration
- Add the ability to add custom DNS servers
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada v4.0 (June 24th, 2019)
This is a major release with plenty of new features and fixes.
- Brand new UI supporting Android TV and all form factors
- Introduce beta of Blokada VPN
- Add hosts log (blocking history) with search
- Add widgets (by Faedrak)
- Add request logger (by Faedrak)
- Update translations
- Stability fixes
Blokada 3 for Android
Blokada v3.7 (February 19th, 2019)
This is a maintenance release with a fix for some reported problems with connectivity.
- Fix #284 traffic is blocked on some WiFi networks
- Add support for DNS port (by ant9000)
- Add a switch for DNS address fallback
- Fix #323 Add a switch for reporting and sending logs
- Merge #325 QS Tile long press
- Merge #288 basic IPv6 support
- Update translations
Blokada v3.6 (October 11th, 2018)
This is a maintenance release with a rewrite of tunnel code for robustness and stability.
- Improve general tunnel stability
- Rewrite of tunnel code for more predictable behaviour
- Improve reliability of the new filters handling code from v3.5
- Decrease data usage by downloading only lists which have too old cache
- Add new Advanced Settings screen
- Add a setting to prevent the system to stop Blokada when power saving
- Add a setting for “only on wifi” for list updates
- The “Online Only” setting is now called “Watchdog” and is off by default
- Ask for storage permissions when exporting settings to external storage
- Update translations
Blokada v3.5 (June 20th, 2018)
This is a maintenance release with a rewrite of filter handling code for robustness and stability.
- Rewrite of filters code using Kotlin coroutines for more predictable concurrency
- More granular caching (lists are now cached independently for avoiding unnecessary downloads)
- Fix #170 Blacklist can get reset after reboot
- Fix #185 Whitelist ignored in some scenarios
- Fix #180 Detect freshly installed apps
- Fix #144 import / export settings to external storage
- Increase logcat size for better debugging
- Update translations
Blokada v3.4 (May 10th, 2018)
This is a maintenance release with stability improvements and bugfixes.
- Fix #196 crash when opening
- Fix some other crashes from bug reports
- Rework versioning (no version.gradle) to simplify builds
- Remove library dependency to simplify builds
- Lower the limit for ACRA bug reports
Blokada v3.3 (April 19th, 2018)
This is a maintenance release with stability improvements and bugfixes. New ACRA bug reporting is introduced in order to simplify the process and remove non-free dependencies.
- Add languages: cs_CZ, it_IT, pt_BR, zh_TW, id_ID, nb_NO, zh_CN
- Fix #169 Locale handling doesn’t work for some corner cases
- Fix #176 default filters come back after I delete them
- Fix #177 blokada wont let to add new tlds like .digital
- Fix #171 no dot in IP address field
- Add ACRA for bug reporting
- Remove Google Play Services, Crashlytics
- Dont show dialogs again even if Continue was not clicked
Blokada v3.2 (April 4th, 2018)
This is a maintenance release focusing on stability and performance.
- Refactor filters and welcome flow for lower memory use
- Refactor core for performance and reliability
- Refactor filter cache loading for performance
- Add restart on crash for app resiliency
- Fix Start on Boot
- Fix ads counter persistence (old counter is back)
- Improve logging and log sharing
- Change icon to the refreshed shield (non-adaptive)
- Introduce Beta Channel for Blokada Insiders
- Fix #149 in-app updater problems
- Make blacklist / whitelist / dns refresh Quick Action fetch new defaults (without overwriting custom settings)
- Phase out Blokada Patron
- Add Google Play Games to whitelist defaults
- Migrate translations to Crowdin
- Include translations from the new platform for: pl_PL hu_HU ru_RU es_ES hi_IN tr_TR fr_FR ms_MY uk_UA de_DE
Blokada v3.1.1 (March 21st, 2018)
This is a feature release introducing custom DNS servers and fixing several common problems. Please note that translations haven’t been updated because of some issues with the currently used translation platform.
- Introduce DNS servers configurability with built in defaults
- Introduce Blokada DNS available on Google Play (without adblocking functionality)
- Introduce log sharing for easier bug reporting (beta)
- Fix a problem with too aggressive Wake Lock
- Fix #126, problems with starting up when back online
- Fix #102, can’t add apps to whitelist
- Decrease filter cache time to 1 day
- Add more lists to defaults and change default blacklist to AdZHosts
- Improve Help and intro screens (Peter)
- Rework onboarding (welcome flow) to decrease the amount of dialog windows
- Revert some design changes from v2
Blokada v3.0.0 (March 2nd, 2018)
This is the first stable v3 release with many important changes. Check the notes on preview versions below for detailed changelog. Additional changes:
- Introduce “Chip In”, a periodic Call to Action mechanism to engage the userbase and help make community decisions.
Blokada v3.0.0-preview2 (February 27th, 2018)
This is another preview of the 3.0.0 release with many important changes. It’s mostly ready, however it’s mostly meant for the translators to review their translations.
- Fix KeepAlive to prevent Android from closing the app
- Fix Start on Boot
- Include (also partial) translations for: cs de es fr hu it ms nl pl ru zh_TW tr hr pt-BR pt-PT
- Change chat platform to Telegram
Blokada v3.0.0-preview (February 20th, 2018)
This is a major release with many important changes. Please note it’s a preview release, meaning you may want to wait for the next stable release. This release is English-only.
- Introduce HTTPS to secure website, API and the update process
- Drop support for Android 4
- Introduce Blokada Patron
- Introduce Blokada Chat with icon in the topbar
- Introduce API v3 for simpler, unified and more flexible code
- Simplify translations by removing superficial strings and pluralisation
- Fix #64, whitelist constantly cleared
- Fix #78, update and expand Help screen to answer the most common questions
- Fix #84, add Coin Blocker list against Bitcoin mining
- Fix #91, add Social filter to Blacklist
- Fix #86, stop deactivating on hotspot
- Fix #71, update website with F-Droid button
- Fix #92, introduce adaptive launcher icon
- Redo localisation to support dynamic language change (stage 1)
- Refresh branding and improve contrast
- Simplify Home screen by removing less important icons and putting them to top menu
- Remove ability to edit home screen icons
- Replace Bug Report and Feedback screens with simplified Feedback / Contact screen
- Redo Welcome flow to be more informative and flexible
- Update Donate, Contribute, and other information screens
- Simplify Update screen
- Introduce Changelog screen for a more clear release history
- Introduce Open in Browser button for most web screens
- Remove User Report and corresponding Default Whitelist
- Simplify codebase (stage 1) by refactoring libraries and packages
- Introduce gscore library as common app framework
- Remove unused assets and resources to decrease app size
- Minimise app threading to eliminate concurrency bugs (stage 1)
Blokada 2 for Android
Blokada v2.2.3 adblocker for Android
This is a small maintenance release that fixes GPL compliance, updates translations and introduces several new languages:
- Indonesian
- Croatian
- Hungarian
- Russian
- Chinese (Simplified)
- Chinese (Traditional)
Blokada v2.2.2 adblocker for Android
This is a maintenance release that fixes some problems discovered in 2.2:
- Fix unnecessary reload web view for static pages
- Always whitelist Google Play
- Update translations
Blokada Slim
Blokada Slim used to be a Google Play listed edition that would have major limitations. It has been banned by Google in 2022. It is now superseded by the Blokada 6 available on Google Play.