V5 Adding host lists manually WHEN?

I have been using v4 for a long time now and waiting for the feature to appear in v5 but its disappointing to see that developers for sone reason are not bringing the ability to manually add any host list, incl the advanced blocking rules of using wildcards “separately”

Today I wish to seek a clear answer

Is this feature coming to v5 ever in the future?

Any reason why it WON’T?


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ETAs are hardly manageable. we´ve had the “custom blocklist feature” back in v4 but unluckily we´ve been blamed for a lot of adblocking failures even though its “just” been the blocklist repo which was moved or down. This was hard to track down in every single case.
in short: maintaining such a feature reliably is increadibly challenging. We´re so far rather opting for adding blocklists to our collection which have been recommended by users. Please use the appropriate post for this and tell us what you´d like to see :slight_smile: