November 16, 2022, 9:10am
Hello beautiful people!
Where did you download Blokada from?
App store. (latest version)
Which device do you use? iOS 16.1.1
Please explain the issue:
It all started yesterday where I started to see ads on app. I been having iphone since September and never had a ad until now. I been using these blockers:
Since when are you facing this issue?
Yesterday 15-11-2022
Did you already try to solve the issue somehow? If so: please state what you did.
Tried to restart the phone. the blokada app, twitch app, reset cache.
Hi there,
How many blocklists are active in your settings? When you run an adblocking score what result do you get?
One solution you would want to try is to go to the activity tab and manually block the Twitch entries that are allowed.
November 16, 2022, 12:11pm
Here is what has been blocked by me and the hosts
and when running: Ad Blocker Test
I get 100% blocked. So something is fishy regarding Twitch I believe…
Stop it.
We’ll get back to you as soon as we’ve News.
Blokada was never meant as a Twitch videoadblocker as thoroughly explained here already:
Apple Ios
Recently i updated my twitch app and noticed that ads are going through blokada. This seems to have happened in the most recent update.
I attempted to try to narrow down where the ads were coming from the incoming block/grant access from blokada but was unable to narrow it down.
I turned on all advanced features perhaps fixing the ads but for some reason it has not.
Any ideas tips? Tricks?
I know twitch is finally starting to hammer down on ads and bypassing them but not s…
It’s been a coincidence that you didn’t see any ads until now
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November 28, 2022, 10:42am
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