Resuming VPN on app launch, obnoxious since version 4, so for reference/administration, it will kill any current VPN. Urgent News: Blokada is the only VPN app on mobile that does that.
Android VPN doesnt disable after Blokada turn-off, until Blokada is force stopped.
Network named “18” in my list, never seen that locally.
Blah DNS does not work.
Anuderp Blacklist has not been updated in 3 months.
Activity search. Typing text and switching function, returning to Activity maintains the results of the previous search. To reset, spacebar then X to delete.
Blokada DNS blocks thisvid, xhamster, youjizz, smutr from loading properly. Not an uncensored DNS, it may lead to misdirected troubleshooting. Add-on, browser config, website janky today, Blokada off, OK so is it this blocklist, that blocklist?
Clear Activity logs clears, and upon restart of app still shows activity.
Three of four Notifications are Urgent, and blocklist Highlights, lol “simpler.”
“This request has been blocked” by what?
Blocklist sort option by count of entries. So that if it blocks too much, downgrade, if it doesn’t block enough, upgrade.
Blocklist Active total count of entries.
Keep Alive stays on Yes on re-launch after force stop.
Redirect links to External browser (is impossible).