Blokada Cloud VPN not running on Linux Mint

Hello guys,

I’ve installed the latest Linux Mint 21 “Vanessa”.
Had Blokada up and running via Wireguard before
After upgrade, no connection possible

Uninstalled &Reinstalled everything, Wireguard and then the config for Linux via (as I did the times before)

Went down into the Network icon on taskbar, went to “create new network connection”

went for “import VPN connection”

this so far went flawlessly, it ceates a VPN connection named “blokada-2010”

But I cannot activate it.
It always says “VPN Server doesn’t provide a propper network configuration”
I can see that in theconfiguration script, there is nolistening port configured?

May I ask you guys to create a small but working step-by-step how to for Linux Mint? It is the same for Ubuntu and Debian so far as I know, so it would help us Linux guys a lot! :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance! :sunflower:


My first suggestion is that you should make sure that IPv6 is enabled on your system.
You might also find helpful tips that works for you in this post:

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