Something fishy going on with Xiaomi Miu11

Please always include which platform you are on: Android.

  1. Where did you Blokada from? Fdroid
  2. Which phone do you use? xiaomi4x

Do you use a custom rom? No
Do you know which version you are using? 11.02 miu
3. Please explain the issue

Had Blokada 3 running til today. Working as intended. Decided to install fdroid (newest) and updated Blokada to 4.

Working as intended. Saw other VPN apps on the fdroid store (block this), downloaded it and couldn’t run it (grant Access, just cancel).

Unistalled Blokada 4 thinking that having two vpn might be the cause of interference. Nope, wasn’t the case.

Once unistalled Blokada block this couldn’t be activated. So went back and re installed Blokada … and the OS? won’t let me at all.

It lets me add a manual VPN service but no vpn app.

  1. Since when are you facing this issue?


  1. Did you already try to solve the issue somehow?

Just reinstalling, deinstalling different vpn apps.

The image is yellow due night shift app.

Thank you in advance.

What do you mean by “won’t let me install”?
Can you provide a screenshot of that?

See the screenshot in my op.
OK is highlighted blue but it won’t do anything. No matter how many times I click on OK.

Cancel works. Have not touched the OS since 2017.

Thanks for the reply.

Have contacted Xiaomi Support. No reply yet.

Ohhhhh you mean that.
That’s easily addressable. Disable the night shift app. It creates an overlay which lies on top of the button. That’s why you can’t press it. Blue buttons are special.

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Holy Cao. That is embarrassing. It was indeed the night shift app. Thanks a bunch!!

you don’t happen to know of any good night shift alternatives :wink: