Blokada 6 cloud Activity log

Blokada 6 cloud / App Store
Is there a way to clear the activity log? I’ve gone into Android / settings / apps / Blokada and deleted the cache (didn’t work) and Data (didn’t work). On Blokada 5 you could do this from within the app.


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

You can toggle whether to store activity or not in the app settings, logs will be automatically cleared after 24 hours. A specific “clear log right now” action is not currently available directly from within the app, but we can certainly do it for you if you prefer.

If you contact the support through the app, we will have the necessary details about your account.
You can reach the support from the question-mark in the top right corner.

Let me know if there’s any trouble or additional feedback you would like to add.
Thank you for supporting Blokada by subscribing!

Thank you. The 24 hour timeframe will be ok


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