Why does v4.11 keep pushing Energized Blu into my filters list?

According to the app, my phone has a limit of 256MB RAM usage per app, and, as it is (and also with less filters than the ones listed below), I’m constantly getting warnings that not all filters could be loaded (which can go between ≈500k to ≈1M). Btw, on this, it turns out among those are your custom filters, the ones you probably most want to block…
So, why would it try to load even more filters (which I’ve intentionally removed from the filters list)?

My lists, atm:
Energized Basic
Energized Regional
Samsung Blocker by Jerryn70
Phishing Army Blocklist
DuckDuckGo Tracker Radar
Exodus Privacy
YouTube Ad Blocker by Jerryn70
Coin Blocker List
The Blocklist Project
(plus Energized Blu, which just won’t go away…)

And, on these, let me just tell you the number and nature of the false positives on those lists is nothing short of absurd.
Unfortunately, Blokada has no way for you to know which list(s) are blocking which servers, let alone to remove them, so nothing you can even do about it, other than adding even more filters to replace the ones that shouldn’t be there, in the first place.
Btw, I’ve mentioned this before, but got zero feedback, then…
Also, I’m assuming Blokada is removing duplicates from the final combination list.

Samsung S9+ 9650, A10, OneUI 2.5
v4.11.0 dl’ed from the site
Happening since I replaced it with Energized Basic.

Am I reading this right, you have on all those lists mentioned? If so that’s probably way too many and some lists are already incorporated into others so you will have duplication.

As for the “some lists can’t be loaded” message, switch all to “no” and add back one by one, to find the problematic list/lists.

Oh and energized blu will keep showing up in your list as lists are synced once a day (default). Just make sure you switch the list to “no” rather than removing it completely.

That doesn’t make any sense; why would it sync it, if it’s not even in use, and even so, why aren’t all the others also not in use synced, too, then? Not what you’d expect.
Also, why wouldn’t you (have multiple lists), if the intention is to block as many ads, etc., as possible? On uBlock (browsers, Android) I have way more than that, without any memory issues.
And, as I’ve said, I’m (was…) assuming Blokada purges duplicates, as any other adblocker (ABP, uBlock, etc.) does. Why Blokada wouldn’t do it is beyond me, specially if it’s aware of these memory limits.
There’s no such problematic list; it’s either Blokada choking on them, or Android, Samsung arbitrarily crippling the phone for no particular reason at all; the phone has 6GB RAM and never got past half of that in use, at any point.

Edit: As a solution, yours works, but it’s half-baked; hope they’ll fix it soon. Does v5 also suffers from this behaviour (default list and size limit)?

The list of available blocklists is synced but that is completely different to downloading active blocklists. Just because it appears in the list doesn’t mean it gets downloaded. This functionality is to facilitate the adding of new blocklists options.

The warning you are seeing isn’t necessarily a RAM issue, you usually see it if one (or more) blocklist fails to download. I’ve seen it with only 2 blocklists active, with one being the problem.

For version 5 the lists are fixed and you can’t remove them, only switch them on or off. Additional blocklists are added in a newer update version.

That really doesn’t make any sense to me (re. warning), because what it says is exactly what I’ve told you: it explicitly says there’s a 256MB limit per app and estimates a rule limit (pic related), so if you say that’s not the case, then it’s misleading, but the fact is it’s been happening for a while now, and I’ve redownloaded the lists several times since. It also doesn’t explain why (some) of my rules aren’t being applied,

Maybe this helps:
03-17 14:35:22.867 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_energized_regional, 910976, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.868 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_samsung, 910586, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.868 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_phishingarmy, 910454, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.869 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_ddgtrackerradar, 910194, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.869 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_exodusprivacy, 909933, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.869 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_youtube, 909933, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.870 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_blacklist, 909932, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.870 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_oisd, 909802, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.870 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset b_blocklist_ads, 909801, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.870 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset shavar.services.mozilla.com, 909801, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.871 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com, 909670, 934595
03-17 14:35:22.871 E b4:tunnel-main memory limit reached, skipping ruleset app-measurement.com, 909669, 934595

Oh, I see where the confusion is, download warning is different to the unable to add list.

That is indeed the android limit and you are quite close to that hard limit. You definitely need to drop a few of the lists. I think you can drop AdAway safely as it’s usually incorporated in others. What else have you got on? You probably need to get the total down to about half of the maximum, for things to run smoothly.

I removed all lists, then started adding them back, and simply by adding Energized Basic, it just won’t load any more; it’s full. I can load a bunch of minor ones, instead, but as soon as I load a larger one it’s over the limit. At most, I was to load Jerryn70’s Samsung and Youtube, then Energized Basic, without prompting the warning, but s soon as I add just a single rule, it’s already giving me a warning.

This just sucks. Blokada should at least strip duplicates, if it doesn’t, and load user rules first.

Guessed it was time for me to move on, but guess again: turns out, I can’t even export my custom rules. Great; getting better and better by the moment…

Just a FYI, if anyone’s also interested:
No longer using Blokada (because of this), using personalDNSfilter, instead. The interface may be kind of crude, comparatively (though you can just see applied filters/add/remove them from the main window, rt) but then this:

The main memory usage is very low, you can filter with millions of hosts, but memory usage will only be few MB!

It makes the whole difference. Added all the lists I wanted, then some (and, I’m sorry to say it, but having to re-type each of my custom filters by hand, because Blokada has no provision to save settings or custom filters lists, I’m is also absolutely ridiculous), and haven’t had a memory issue ever since.

Sincerely hope you guys can fix this issue in the near future and make usable for me, again (oh, and get a freaking settings/custom filters saving option, already; c’mon, man!..).

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