Blokada for iOS is paid now?

Hi there,
Unfortunately that’s the only solution for now. Apple changed their ads framework and there’s no alternative to external dns based adblocking anymore.
Here’s more on that:

We’ve thoroughly looked for a solution to overcome that but the only way is cloud adblocking. We’ve brought the price for cloud down to a minimum but customisable dns infrastructure can’t be fulfilled privately and securely for free. We don’t want to sell data hence there’s no way for us other than putting a price for our dns infrastructure. There’ll be a proper press release regarding v6 shortly. Libre is still free of course. But Libre does not work on iOS because of changes made by Apple, so we had to cut it out. The only way we could make it work on iOS again was through Cloud, and that costs us money.
I’m afraid that’s all I can tell you for now