Blokada 5 for Android: Beta (finished)

Also i think like v4 the total ads blocked font/text could be bigger and more colourful especially the number. Also each sub like fake news, social etc list under main list could have their own descriptions like v4


Also imo dns should be in advanced features as it’s one of main feature of blokada.

Also +1 on P’s visual bug.

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Yes and the recent tab would be better showing live request and not all requests of a particular domain merged into 1 as we already have Top section for it. So the activity blocked can be like v4.

Edit : the activity tab is almost similar in both tabs the only difference is top arranged them in descending order. So i think activity should have individual,live requests shown…

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Blokada v5.0.3 Community Beta Preview

Thank you for lots of feedback so far. I have just uploaded an update (just use the same link and redownload the apk).

What’s new in Blokada v5

If you are new here, see the Goals in the first post, but in short, new UI (known from iOS) with simpler navigation, and rewritten codebase. We are aiming at a very high level of app stability connectivity, and so far it seems we doing very well with the v5.

Note that many features from v4 are not present yet in v5. They will be ported one by one as we go. The core functionality is there though, and the app should be already usable day to day.

What’s new in 5.0.3

  • Implemented support for dynamic language choice (you can now overwrite the system language in Blokada Settings, just navigate to Settings tab -> This device).
  • Imported a few languages to begin with: pl,de,es,it,hi,ru,bg. I’ve chosen the ones that have the most complete translations of the “fem” component on Crowdin. Please check your language for completeness, I will import more in the future updates!
  • If you notice a string surrounded with “@”, it means it is not translated for the selected language, and English default is used instead. Note that I did not upload some strings to Crowdin yet.
  • Added dynamic change of light / dark theme (app restart required - make sure you turn off VPN to really kill it)
  • There is a few more useful settings in Settings -> This device. Have a look!
  • A few stability fixes and handling unexpected crashes

How to give feedback?

Just post here, in this topic. Feel free to include screenshots if you have a problem. Also send me logs (privately) - the menu at top right has an option to do so. You may send them to


I’m using English by default and yet it still tried to translate? (I have tons of @)

Also Restore Purchase button not working visually after clicking. May not be working at all as I am still prompted to upgrade to Blokada+.

Shouldn’t you add that button to the Settings tab too? Took me awhile locate it.


Yeah the @ will show as I mentioned. Not all strings are yet uploaded to Crowdin. Just ignore for now.

Restore purchase is not implemented yet. If you have active account just use the Logout option in Settings and enter your account ID.

I do not have my lD, I took your advise to install the new v5 as it could solve my issue and I installed the v5 without hesitating but I removed the v4 as I failed to login v5, as I thought it would link while both are logged in. Am I getting the account restored or not? This seems like 90s customer service.

Look: v5 clearly states that it’s a beta. Additionally we always and everywhere recommend noting down the ID since, well, there’s nothing else linked to it so you stay as anonymous as possible.
You can open the support page within Blokada Plus to regain your ID. We’ll have to assist you there since we’re strictly ensuring data protection this way. :slight_smile:

Yes, let’s continue this on your customer support ticket so that I can find your account ID. This forum topic is for beta testing feedback.

Many thanks, apologies to you and @PrintableCharacter for my rather frustrated comment but I am really trying to do my work.

I will make sure to save the ID now to avoid future interruption.

Cheers guys.


Written communication is always bad.
That’s what I just noticed in my previous answer.
I had no intention of stating that in a way that you might feel uncomfortable with :slight_smile:
I’m really sorry for that


Anyone having any problems with the v5 beta other than UI issues? Like, stability problems, app being killed, or adblocking stops working?

@Karol some ads are still viewable in browser. Which Energized list was used in v4? Couldn’t remember, I notice we can now activate all the lists of different branches, there is some minor screen freezing as I only run on a 4GB machine. Also, I notice that there are no recommended/auto bypassing apps by default like v4? Just 1 thing I must mention, to set some apps to bypass is horrible experience that the screen auto return to top after you clicked an app to bypass! But it’s an UI issue, so I believe it will be fixed.

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  • app scrolling will be fixed on the next update
  • default bypassed apps are forced internally and are the same as in v4 (in the next update)
  • default in v4 was energized blue, which is also what’s used if you select nothing in v5.
  • in cases when you see many ads, please try sharing log with me as before. Just on 2-3 occasions so I can see what’s going on under the hood.

Blokada v5.0.4 Community Beta Preview

Another update is here (just use the same link and redownload the apk).

What’s new in Blokada v5

If you are new here, see the Goals in the first post, but in short, new UI (known from iOS) with simpler navigation, and rewritten codebase. We are aiming at a very high level of app stability connectivity, and so far it seems we doing very well with the v5.

Note that many features from v4 are not present yet in v5. They will be ported one by one as we go. The core functionality is there though, and the app should be already usable day to day.

What’s new in 5.0.4

  • Entire app is translatable now (strings uploaded to Crowdin - have a look at your language)
  • More DNS choices (included only the ones that work)
  • Improvements to apps list, and a new feature to bypass all system apps
  • Lots of various tweaks

How to give feedback?

Just post here, in this topic. Feel free to include screenshots if you have a problem. Also send me logs (privately) - the menu at top right has an option to do so. You may send them to

What should we pay attention to now?

  • Any problem with adblocking. If you start seeing more ads than before, please refresh the website that has those ads (or reopen the app that has them), open Blokada, and share log to the email address mentioned above
  • Any problems with the tunnel stability (cutting connection, app being killed, etc) - Those should be not happening at all
  • Any problems with battery life

You may ignore any minor UI issues for now. I took note of all of the reported things, and I’ll be addressing them as we go.

Now the goal is to get the app ready for the public beta announcement on, which I would like to do by the end of this week. Once we get it out, we can continue with the improvements, and porting v4 features, while testing the stability on a broader range of devices.


You really did an amazing work, I’ll try it for a while and eventually report back any issue.


I cannot get past this step:

Seems like it is conflicting with the version 4.7.3 VPN setup.

If I click on continue the VPN configuration for version 4.7.3 is turned off automatically, none of the two works.
When I manually turn on only version 4 works.

Should new blokada have a new fake VPN configuration or it makes use of existing one?

Edit: I am using MIUI 12 rom.

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Is there a global miui 12 stable ROM by now?

Yes, here is the proof,

A simple “yes” would’ve been enough for me :stuck_out_tongue:

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