Blokada 4.9 released (and Blokada 4 to Blokada 5 migration)

Thanks for the answer. I will migrate from v4 full to v4 fyra and will try v5 from time to time and as soon as the look and feel of v5 is similar to v4, I will switch …

Hi Karol,

thanks for this clarification.
Obviously I misunderstood the first formulation for the 4th a bit and assumed a compulsive update.

If I caused any confusion here, I apologize.
Of course I will switch to version 5 as soon as the functions I consider indispensable are implemented.

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Upgraded to 4 frya, all settings successfully transfered. I had to repair my Tasker tasks, though I expected that. Thanks!

Update: Did have an issue with Blokada not working because it wasn’t requesting VPN permission until I rebooted. Also, my notification settings got changed.


Good feedback. This is a known system issue actually. If you have two VPN apps installed from the same developer, the VPN permission dialog bugs out, until you install one of them, and restart device.

Announcement: I’m moving the Blokada 4 to Blokada 5 migration, from today, to early next week. I think we need some more time to observe if any more problems may arise during this migration.


hello, users older than android version 7.0 won’t get the blokada 5 update, or will there be a special blokada 5 for older Android versions?

Translated by google translate and yandex translate

V5 is tailor made for android 7 and up.
For now there will be no lower versions.
Simply stick to V4


I like the new version its more simple. But the battrry drain big. I use energized ultimate and when the “smart list” feature came it was great for battery. Please import it from blokada 4. I know its beta but it works perfectly.

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Hi, @Karol!

I realize that today is the Monday (7 December) immediately following the automatic v5 update on Friday (4 December), but my Android 10 phone is still running Blokada v4.8.6, which is the latest (“Suggested”) version offered by the F-Droid app, about which you and your colleagues know – based on the organization of the official downloads page on

For some free apps (Tubelab, for example), the F-Droid app appears to be extremely current on update notifications (although selecting the available update notification on my phone launches the F-Droid app, which indicates all of my apps are current – but I have had idiosyncrasies with the F-Droid app for a while that I need to check, but is off-topic here).

It does seem odd that F-Droid’s app is not yet offering Blokada v4.9, but, again, I have not researched the situation at all, or made any inquiries. In no way am I criticizing F-Droid, which I trust and for which I am grateful.

Since Blokada v5 offers update notifications (with downloads via Web browser), I downloaded the latest .APK from this evening.

Although I am certain that my version situation is not unique, I decided to post this message, because I have not found one in the forums specifically mentioning it (and apologize for any oversight or duplication).

Essentially, I assume that the F-Droid app controlled whether or not I received the Blokada v5 update on Friday (4 December).




Hello, again, @Karol!

I apologize for overlooking your announcement about Blokada v5 and F-Droid in the “welcome” topic.

Obviously, I should have made another search of the forum. :slight_smile:



Huge battery drain here. 2h screen and about 12h total use… note20 ultra here. Not the best in battery performance but it is currently unusable

Try disabling DNS over HTTPS and see again. On some devices it causes battery drain.


So the v4 -> v5 update has been postponed to later this week. Also fdroid, will not get the v4 -> v5 update. In fdroid, there will be two separate app editions available, v4 and v5. Both 4.9 and 5.5 have already been accepted by the fdroid review team, but it takes time before they show up.

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Hi there,
The F-Droid team is rather small. Sometimes app updates can be behind for two weeks. That’s due to the fact that they review everything that’s being sent in manually. Nothing we can do about it.

V5 will be shipped differently on
Not as an update but as an entirely new application. The update notification will only show up for people without the fdroid version


Greetings, @Karol!

Thank you for your prompt and helpful reply, as always :smile: – plus, the hard, long, excellent, and much-appreciated work of the entire development team. Not only are you successfully maintaining two stable versions (4 and 5) of Blokada, but you are supporting users, carefully considering user feedback and specific requests, maintaining the community forum, and doing work beyond what users can see on GitLab or here. :wink:

F-Droid, as you no doubt already know, pushed out Blokada v4.9.0 (as an update, in my case) literally hours ago, as well as two other updates to apps I downloaded via the F-Droid app.

F-Droid’s release of Blokada v4 and v5, respectively, as separate editions should make users ambivalent about switching Blokada v5 more comfortable, and the F-Droid app has generous space for describing apps (e.g., for comparing Blokada v4.9 and v5.5).

I need to set aside some time to upgrade to Blokada 5, which may show up in the F-Droid app soon, although I realize that F-Droid’s small – but obviously dedicated and excellent – development team means probable lag in updates to Blokada 5 via the F-Droid app, as opposed to the APK downloaded directly from

I was thrilled to “discover” F-Droid relatively soon after getting my first Android phone in 2016 (a Samsung G550T Galaxy On5 with 8GB of RAM), and continue to be grateful for F-Droid, Blokada, and many other free/libre software projects, which I, fortunately, am able to use more fully on the Samsung Galaxy A205U that I received as a Christmas gift last year.

I wish, however, that I were more persuasive in helping my family and friends realize and reap the benefits of running free and open software, such as Blokada, but receptivity is a barrier, unfortunately.

(Perhaps, inadvertently, my known use of GNU/Linux as my desktop/laptop/server platform has created misperceptions about running free/libre apps on a phone – which I must rectify, and I do not want to impede potential donations!)



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Hello, @PrintableCharacter!

Thank you for your helpful reply, and many contributions to Blokada.

I hope that my statements did not come across as criticism, in any shape or form (even via unintentional implication) of the amazing F-Droid team. :+1:

The F-Droid team’s policy of reviewing the source code in every package submitted to them is laudable and demonstrates the extent of the team’s dedication to protecting users from potential problems, and reminds me of the philosophy behind the Debian Project’s Lintian tool that is used with Debian’s package management system to check for “bugs and [Debian] policy violations.” (Lintian is not based on C’s ‘lint’, BTW, although it owes much to Perl, IIRC.)

Thanks, again! :grin:



Errrrrmmmm… We’re not associated with F-Droid in any shape or form :slight_smile:

Hello, @PrintableCharacter.

Yes, I am well aware that the projects are totally separate.

I am old, however, :wink: and “netiquette” is quite clear about how inexcusably rude it would be even to risk the appearance of merely, even mistakenly and unintentionally, implying criticism of a worthy, laudable, and extremely valuable project such as F-Droid! :grinning:

I apologize for any misunderstanding.




Thank you for the kind words. Please let me know when Blokada 5 is on fdroid :wink:

@Karol, unless i completely missed it somewhere, but V5 doesn’t seem to support Tasker/Automate integration. Will V5 support Tasker in the near future?
It’s my only blocker to migrate from V4 to V5.

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Yes - Peter is working on it.

If you feel crafty, you can already integrate Tasker with Blokada, as it uses generic intent system to execute commands. But you need to know about intents to make it work, and we don’t have documentation on it yet.

Turn off Blokada:

intent: android.intent.action.VIEW
data: "blocka://cmd/off"

Turn on Blokada:

intent: android.intent.action.VIEW
data: "blocka://cmd/on"

@Karol :thinking: From a security point of view, this practically allows any app to send an intent and bluntly deactivate Blokada.

Not sure, but something tells me a config setting to allow/disallow that intent would be a smart idea. I mean, if I were a rogue app dev (I’m neither) and had this info, I’d simply send that intent every other minute and make sure my app’s advertisements show as intended – and no blokada user wants that.

I understand some want to automate stuff with Tasker… but I’d make it opt-in instead of default intent handling. I can’t be the only user rather not having such a (let’s just call it) “abusable option” active.

(Not a rant. Just thinking out loud, hoping it helps.)