Menus constantly expanding in iOS

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Please always include which platform you are on: Android or iOS. If you have a question about features feel welcome to ask it - if you face a problem, please follow this template:

To directly help you the best way possible please provide the following information:

  1. Where did you download Blokada from?
    App Store

  2. Which device do you use?
    iPhone 11 Pro
    Do you use a custom ROM?
    Do you know which OS version you are using?
    iOS 14.0 Beta

  3. Please explain the issue as detailed as possible. Also include patterns you observed (like ‘it only happens on wifi’). The more information the better.
    Activity, Advanced and Settings menus load from the top left corner, expand gradually and then reset making them almost unusable.

  4. Since when are you facing this issue?
    Since install 48 hrs ago

  5. Did you already try to solve the issue somehow? If so: please state what you did.
    Restarted device, deleted and reinstalled pp, removed any other extant VPN style apps

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Yes. That’s known. We’re hoping that it’s just a quirk of the iOS beta which apple will fix as soon as possible. We’ve basically no idea what’s going on :smiley:

Fantastic (taking into account the greater context) - appreciate the quick response!

I had also tried to leave a review and got an error due the beta so I was hoping that to be the case :+1:

Thank you again :blush:

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You’re very welcome

Yes, and to add to that, we’ve been releasing some “fix attempts” basically guessing what could be the reason of this - so far no luck, but there is one more fix coming soon, maybe this one will be the charm. Otherwise, we’ll really have to wait for the iOS 14 stable, and hope it fixes the problem.