Blokada translations moved to Crowdin

During the last year we’ve translated Blokada to 15+ languages, with more than 30 languages in total being worked on. This is amazing!

In order to make the job easier for translators, I decided to change the translation platform to Crowdin. Migrating existing translations took me many hours, and not everything went smoothly to say the least, but I think you will agree it was worth it - the new platform is much better!

You can read more about the new translation platform here.

If you’ve contributed translations to Blokada before, I sent you an email about the new system. I invite you to try it out and let me know what you think. Also, we’re looking for people interested in managing translations - each language will have a person approving changes having a say on what goes into the app, and what doesn’t. We hope to increase the overall quality of translations this way.