Blokada 5 free on Android extra Blocklists and effect of combining blocklists?

some questions:
a) I do not see the blocklists which were available on Blokada v4 the same in v5. The mainstream ones are there but much fewer. I am looking for the Xiaomi list and the social networking hosts list. Are they hidden somewhere?
Currently v5 seems to be block much fewer ads than v4 even when I activate all blocklists I can see in v5.

b) I wonder if there is any reason not to use “all” blocklists (actually at least quite a bunch) other than memory. Can there be any conflicts? Do these lists contain whitelists?

c) I think it would be helpful if you could post somewhere which lists are very similar / overlapping and which are specialized “extension” type lists.

d) I have no clue what the difference is between the counter/numbers given on v5 entry screen under the big circular button and the counters shown in the reporting. These numbers differ hugely.
While the entry screen showed e.g. 450 the total of all blocked items in the reporting showed around 30.

  1. Where did you download Blokada from?
  2. Which device do you use? Do you use a custom ROM? Do you know which OS version you are using? MIU 12, Android 10, Xiaomi

a) After you click that big field on specific list, more lists will appear:
Xiaomi list is under GoodbyeAds,
Social list is under Energized.

b) Mostly, the more and the larger the lists, there will be a little impact on battery drainage. (I personally wouldn’t worry much about that though)
c) For that, you need for now do your own research I guess for every specific list.
d) There shouldn’t be any difference between those two, and you shouldn’t really care about those numbers :smiley: .
Cheers! Enjoy using Blokada!

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Thanks a lot for helping us out in here :smiley:

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